Tag Archives: lose body fat

Best Way To Lose Belly Fat

Visit verasfitness.com to get my "13 fat loss secrets" video series for FREE! This is the best way to lose belly fay. If youre not doing anything on the list of action steps I give you, do two and youll see results quick! PROMISE! Your Fitness Coach, David Veras, CFT Fat Loss & Toning Expert Video URL: youtu.be

How to Hit the heavy bag for women. www.fitbytes.com for best womens fitness advice

Amanda (national amateur champion) shows women how to hit the heavy bag with a proper hook. Transfering her weight to her back foot while hooking her punch with her whole body and weight (notice her front heelfoot and knee go in the same direction). Boxing workouts are great for women to get fit without bulky muscle development. Eat less, box more and perform intense cardio! Gets you a flat stoma