1 weird trick to attract women: sixpackshortcuts.com This is a video response that Dan made to evilcybers video "Forget About Six Pack Abs." In this video he talks about why he thinks getting six pack abs is a great fitness goal that you should aim for. Thanks to evilcyber for posting the original video and starting this discussion. If youd like to make a video response to this and continue the discussion, thatd be great! I think it would be good to show the pros and cons of going for six pack abs so that guys can make the most informed decisions about what their fitness goals are. And LEAVE ME A COMMENT letting me know your thoughts on this. Do YOU think having six pack abs is a good fitness goal? Why or why not? Let me know I would be really curious to hear. If youd like to get started on your abs, I recommend you start with the tips in this free video on my site: sixpackshortcuts.com PS — Use this link to share this video with your friends! youtu.be
Tag Archives: six pack shortcut
Extreme Six Pack Abs Workout
How to get six pack abs: sixpackshortcuts.com Hey! Whats up sixpackshortcutters! Ive been getting a lot of messages for me to do an ab workout. So I decided that today would be that day. Get ready for this intense post workout nothing but abs workout. This workout is ideal, especially for those that want to lose that last bit of stubborn fat. I would recommend this workout to be done after a great weight lifting routine, or (Hit) type of workout. Why do I say this? Well because direct ab exercises are mostly good to build those ab muscles, not burn the fat. So, the best thing is to do a full body workout to trigger the fat burning process. Once youve achieved that with your workout program, then this ab workout afterwords would be perfect for shaping, and building those abs. Heres the workout: After Workout Abs Workout! reverse crunch -20 rep toe touches -20 rep plank -30 sec 4 rounds total, no rest feel the burn! And if you want to take the SHORTCUT to a ripped body and six pack abs, watch this video now: sixpackshortcuts.com In that video I show you why 95% of guys who wish they had six pack abs fail to get them in the gym. It comes down to four huge mistakes that almost all guys in the gym are making…but which most guys dont even know about. I show you what the mistakes are, so you can avoid them. And I also show you the "weird" style of ab training I use instead called Afterburn Training. Is Afterburn Training the 1 proven shortcut to a ripped body and six pack <b>…<b>
how to get a six pack or a flat tummy.
Click link : tinyurl.com to ORDER TODAY! The weight loss presentation on this page will show you how I lost pounds and pounds of stubborn fat, and serious inches off abs, six pack, six pack abs, how to get a six pack, bodybuilding, exercise, fitness, workout, p90x, insanity, muscle,…
The Real Way To Lose Belly Fat
Free Six Pack Ab Videos: sixpackshortcuts.com In this video, Dan and I talk about the best ways to lose your belly fat and gets abs. We talk about why most common execises you see guys dont in the gym arent effective for fat loss. And we talk about the type of exercise which is much better for losing fat. For more free tips on how to get a ripped body and six pack abs: www.sixpackshortcuts.com?c=1&k=82 Do you know how to build muscle on the rest of your body, but you struggle to build your abs? In this video ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and Six Pack Abs Coach Mike Chang tells you why. He explains why ab training is different, and how you can get six pack abs. We also take you inside the gym for a live demo of an effective ab exercise, versus and ineffective ab exercise. http
How To Lose Your Belly Fat
Click here to get abs: sixpackshortcuts.com Are you wondering how to lose your stubborn belly fat? Do you want to know how to lose your belly, and get a lean, flat stomach? If you do, then you NEED to watch this video. In this one Dan and I show you: — Why crunches, sit-ups and other ab exercises will NEVER work to lose your belly fat. — Why CARDIO will never work to lose your belly fat — youll learn why the long, slow cardio youre doing is not causing NEARLY as much fat loss as conventional wisdom would lead you to believe. — Why the way most bodybuilders and powerlifters train is not the most effective for burning your belly fat. Youll learn how to build muscle like a bodybuilder — but add in this extra "factor" to ensure you stay lean and ripped year round. — The better alternative to cardio, ab exercises, and bodybuilding training to stay lean. — And finally… a way to staying lean with defined abs, WITHOUT having to diet or perpetually restrict your calories. Youll learn how Dan and I stay lean, while eating 2-3x as much food as a normal person. And if youd like to learn more about how to get a ripped body and abs, I recommend you start training with my "Afterburn Training" techniques. This is basically a way of working out which burns huge amounts of calories and fat, while also building muscle. You can learn Afterburn Training from this free video on my site: sixpackshortcuts.com Click that link now to watch the video, and to get the body you always <b>…<b>