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The Real Way To Lose Belly Fat

Free Six Pack Ab Videos: sixpackshortcuts.com In this video, Dan and I talk about the best ways to lose your belly fat and gets abs. We talk about why most common execises you see guys dont in the gym arent effective for fat loss. And we talk about the type of exercise which is much better for losing fat. For more free tips on how to get a ripped body and six pack abs: www.sixpackshortcuts.com?c=1&k=82 Do you know how to build muscle on the rest of your body, but you struggle to build your abs? In this video ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and Six Pack Abs Coach Mike Chang tells you why. He explains why ab training is different, and how you can get six pack abs. We also take you inside the gym for a live demo of an effective ab exercise, versus and ineffective ab exercise. http