Tag Archives: lose fat

Plan To Lose Belly Fat Forever

www.hulsestrength.com CLICK HERE to build some Biologically Superior Muscle! Elliotts Facebook www.FacebookElliott.com In this video Elliott talks about how to lose belly fat forever with a simple plan for permanent fat loss ELLIOTTS BOOKS & PRODUCTS The Grow Stronger Method: growstrongermethod.com Lean Hybrid Muscle: buildhybridmuscle.com Gridiron Domination: www.footballstrengthprogram.com YO Elliott T Shirt: tinyurl.com Strength Camp T Shirt: tinyurl.com

How Long to Get Six Pack Abs?

How long does it take to get six pack abs? I get this question a lot and the answer is different for every person that asks, so heres a method to calculate how long it will take for you. Theres some math required, but its easy with a calculator. Please "LIKE" this video if you enjoyed and COMMENT with any questions or requests. ——————– Directions: 1. Find your lean body mass. — a. weight x body fat percentage (as a decimal) — b. weight – pounds of fat = LBM 2. Take goal body fat percentage (as a decimal) and subtract it from one. — a. Men: 1 – 0.10 = 0.90 — b. Female: 1 – 0.17 = 0.83 *In most cases to see abs, you need to be under 10% if youre a male and under 17% if youre a female, so that is why 0.10 and 0.17 are used. You can change these numbers to whatever body fat percentage your goal is. 3. Find your goal weight. — a. LBM # number from step 2 4. Calculate how many pounds you need to lose. — a. starting weight – goal weight 5. Find out how many weeks it will take to lose the weight. — a. pounds left to lose 1 or 2 *On most diets, you can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, so that is the reason for dividing by 1 and 2. You can change these numbers to whatever your weight loss goal is. 6. Now you have a good idea of how long it will take you to reach your goal. Good job if you did all of that math. A+ for you. ——————– FACEBOOK: facebook.com TWITTER: LBL – twitter.com Michael – twitter.com CLOTHING STORE <b>…<b>

Extreme Six Pack Abs Workout

How to get six pack abs: sixpackshortcuts.com Hey! Whats up sixpackshortcutters! Ive been getting a lot of messages for me to do an ab workout. So I decided that today would be that day. Get ready for this intense post workout nothing but abs workout. This workout is ideal, especially for those that want to lose that last bit of stubborn fat. I would recommend this workout to be done after a great weight lifting routine, or (Hit) type of workout. Why do I say this? Well because direct ab exercises are mostly good to build those ab muscles, not burn the fat. So, the best thing is to do a full body workout to trigger the fat burning process. Once youve achieved that with your workout program, then this ab workout afterwords would be perfect for shaping, and building those abs. Heres the workout: After Workout Abs Workout! reverse crunch -20 rep toe touches -20 rep plank -30 sec 4 rounds total, no rest feel the burn! And if you want to take the SHORTCUT to a ripped body and six pack abs, watch this video now: sixpackshortcuts.com In that video I show you why 95% of guys who wish they had six pack abs fail to get them in the gym. It comes down to four huge mistakes that almost all guys in the gym are making…but which most guys dont even know about. I show you what the mistakes are, so you can avoid them. And I also show you the "weird" style of ab training I use instead called Afterburn Training. Is Afterburn Training the 1 proven shortcut to a ripped body and six pack <b>…<b>

FAT LOSS & Bodybuilding Secrets – BURN YOUR Belly Fat! Bodybuilder Muscles

Click here: askdarin.com Have a question? Simply Click Link Above… and Ask Me Your Questions… and I will answer Your questions LIVE on My Free Webinar This Week! (get personalized help every week… Free… im here to change your health for ever! Come join me NOW! Istarted passionately studying what lean people were doing in 1981 because my waistline was 40 inches. I have learned a lot since then. I am now in the best shape of my life at the age of 45. My waistline is now 31 inches. Nutrition is 60-70% of your fat loss muscle gain program. Follow me & I will teach you exactly how to eat for your body type, activity level, starting point, & your goals. Go to budurl.com to learn secrets and tips to work out less and see more results. I believe that it is one of the most time efficient, results orientated fitness fat;loss programs on the market today. You can work-out till your blue in the face but if you do not incorporate Interval Cardio (done first thing in the morning in a fasted state), intense functional multi-joint, compound exercises, small healthy meals often with protein and carbs combined together, positive mindset, goal setting & social support (you will turn into who you hang around) you will not change your body much. But if you do focus on the 5 pillars of fitness & health, you will radically change your waistline, your lifestyle, and your life. YOUR ATTITUDE WILL DETERMINE YOUR ALTITUDE (how high you go in life) YOUR WAISTLINE DETERMINES YOU ATTITUDE <b>…<b>

Yoga for weight loss: Flat stomach with easy yoga

Yoga for weight loss: Flat stomach with easy yoga www.mDhil.com Yoga can help you get a flat stomach and keep it! In our yoga for beginners video our yoga expert, Dr. KJJohnson teaches you simple yoga poses to get that flat stomach. That protruding belly is not only unsightly, its extremely unhealthy! Youd do anything to get rid of it but how? Join us, as our yoga expert Dr. KJ Johnson teaches us simple and effective yoga positions to get rid of belly fat and get that elusive flat stomach. Steps for ardha merudandasana (half bear) – great for weightloss and for getting a flat stomach Step 1 Start by lying on your back. Step 2: Now, inhale and raise your right leg to 90 degrees. Step 3: Fold your right knee and as you exhale, lift your lower back, touching the knee with your chin Step 4: Inhale, stretch out your leg and torso. Step 5: Exhale, lift up and let your knee touch your chin again. Step 6: Inhale, relax your torso and exhale as you relax your leg. Step 7: Repeat the steps with your left leg. Steps for ardha pavanamuktasana (wind removing pose) – great for weightloss and for getting a flat stomach Step 1: Start by lying on your back Step 2: Inhale, raise both legs to 90 degrees. Step 3: Fold the knees, exhale and bring the legs forward, hugging them and letting your chin touch the knee. Momentarily hold your breath. Step 4: Gently start rocking, forward and backward. Step 5: As you gain momentum, start rolling to either side. This asana is extremely effective on <b>…<b>