Tag Archives: weightlifting

Fitness – How to Get Sexy Six Pack Abs

www.youtube.com For those who dont have a gym to go to, or the right equipment to perform a super effective workout, HAVE NO FEAR! I created a routine that you can do anywhere! The purpose of this workout is to use your body weight as the only obstacle. Not only will it get you stronger, but these exercises are also a great way to burn fat and tone your muscles! Heres what the workout is. ***EVERYTHING IS DONE IN TWO SETS AND ONE MINUTE OF REST BETWEEN SETS. 12 Crunches 20 Mountain Climbers *REST & REPEAT* 12 Up-Downs 12 Push Ups *REST & REPEAT* 20 Lunges 10 Pull-Ups *REST & REPEAT* Wall Sits – 3 Minutes *REST & REPEAT* 25 Hip Rolls 50 Leg Extensions 25 Six Inch Kicks 25 Over – Unders *REST & REPEAT* 15 Super Jumps 12 Tricep Dips *REST & REPEAT* ***Stretch*** www.youtube.com

Flat Stomach Exercises Fat Blasting Workout

Viktoria Telek www.ViktoriaTelek.com Personal Trainer Fitness Model Master Boot Camp Instructor Get Rid of those Love Handles, Get a ripped flat stomach, Burn Fat and get the body you want. Workout you can do anywhere with no equipment needed. 4 exercises, 5 rounds

THE 6 PACK ABS SECRET | What Companies Don’t Want You To Know

Stop buying all the crap shown in the infomercials. Watch this video instead to learn the true secret on how to get totally ripped six pack abs. Contrary to popular beliefs, doing millions of crunches ALONE will not get you those sweet sexy six pack abs that youve always wanted. Your diet is much more important than those impractical crunches.

HOME six pack AB WORKOUT SIX PACK ABS- Easiest way to get 6 pack abs workout routine

www.vicsnatural.com http HOME AB WORKOUT SIX PACK ABS how to get six pack abs six pack workout, 6pack abs workout Victor Costa is considered by many to be one of The Best Trainers in the World. visit Vic @ www.vicsnatural.com

How To Lose Your Belly Fat

Click here to get abs: sixpackshortcuts.com Are you wondering how to lose your stubborn belly fat? Do you want to know how to lose your belly, and get a lean, flat stomach? If you do, then you NEED to watch this video. In this one Dan and I show you: — Why crunches, sit-ups and other ab exercises will NEVER work to lose your belly fat. — Why CARDIO will never work to lose your belly fat — youll learn why the long, slow cardio youre doing is not causing NEARLY as much fat loss as conventional wisdom would lead you to believe. — Why the way most bodybuilders and powerlifters train is not the most effective for burning your belly fat. Youll learn how to build muscle like a bodybuilder — but add in this extra "factor" to ensure you stay lean and ripped year round. — The better alternative to cardio, ab exercises, and bodybuilding training to stay lean. — And finally… a way to staying lean with defined abs, WITHOUT having to diet or perpetually restrict your calories. Youll learn how Dan and I stay lean, while eating 2-3x as much food as a normal person. And if youd like to learn more about how to get a ripped body and abs, I recommend you start training with my "Afterburn Training" techniques. This is basically a way of working out which burns huge amounts of calories and fat, while also building muscle. You can learn Afterburn Training from this free video on my site: sixpackshortcuts.com Click that link now to watch the video, and to get the body you always <b>…<b>