Tag Archives: growth

Fitness – How to Get Sexy Six Pack Abs

www.youtube.com For those who dont have a gym to go to, or the right equipment to perform a super effective workout, HAVE NO FEAR! I created a routine that you can do anywhere! The purpose of this workout is to use your body weight as the only obstacle. Not only will it get you stronger, but these exercises are also a great way to burn fat and tone your muscles! Heres what the workout is. ***EVERYTHING IS DONE IN TWO SETS AND ONE MINUTE OF REST BETWEEN SETS. 12 Crunches 20 Mountain Climbers *REST & REPEAT* 12 Up-Downs 12 Push Ups *REST & REPEAT* 20 Lunges 10 Pull-Ups *REST & REPEAT* Wall Sits – 3 Minutes *REST & REPEAT* 25 Hip Rolls 50 Leg Extensions 25 Six Inch Kicks 25 Over – Unders *REST & REPEAT* 15 Super Jumps 12 Tricep Dips *REST & REPEAT* ***Stretch*** www.youtube.com

!!!SIX PACK ABS!!! How to muscle gain and lose fat FAST!!! Part 2 (Brandon Carter)

Go to BuildMuscleBurnFat.info myFREE workout plan Build Muscle and Burn Fat FAST AS HELL! Keys to getting a six pack: You can have the greatest, most muscular set of abs in the world, but if they are blanketed by a layer of body fat, who cares. In order to rid yourself of the extra body fat around your midsection, you need to incorporate effective cardio sessions into your fitness plan. You cannot spot-reduce the midsection by doing extra ab exercises like crunches or sit-ups. You first must burn off the body fat through proper cardio to properly define the area. Abdominal training by itself will not do much. Cardio needs to be intense enough to do the trick. Three to four sessions a week of intense jogging, running, the Stairmaster, the elliptical, jumping rope, or biking should be enough to get the process in gear. Swimming, hiking, and taking aerobics classes are beneficial as well. Nothing beats jogging or running. It is the most intense, efficient, and effective method of burning calories. If running outside hurts your joints, try running inside on a treadmill or outside on a dirt path. It definitely is easier on the body. Again, you NEED three to four intense cardio sessions a week to help create a calorie deficit and help rid the body of the fat that covers your abs. Proper Nutrition: Do not sabotage your results in the gym by giving yourself a passport to pig out. Ridding the body of fat once and for all is accomplished by proper nutrition more so than <b>…<b>

Insta-Abs! Shocking shortcut to sixpack abs

scoobysworkshop.com With revolutionary new InstaAbs, you can have the sixpack abs you always wanted – instantly! Tired of doing endless situps? Tired of wasting your time doing cardio? There IS a better way! Watch video to see our patented system for giving you washboard abdominals FAST! This shocking shortcut is insane! We also show you how to build massive arms fast, how fast? See them grow RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES! Our patent pending Insta-Arms is truly amazing. Huge bulging biceps straining to rip your shirt to shreds. Amaze your friends! With these two innovative products you can finally get the ladies. Never spend another Friday night alone. The women will be fighting over you when you use Insta-Arms and Insta-Abs! Professional Voice Talent courtesy of: brasherclarke.com